Monday, July 28

iPhones, Aprons, and Sewing, Oh My!

How did Ashley Tisdale beat Vanessa Hudgens in the Maxim Hot 100 2008?! Must have been the nose job. I prefer Ashley over Vanessa anyway, she seems much nicer.

I got a bunch of fabric today with the intent of making aprons to sell at a craft sale/online. Maybe? I can't make up my mind about the craft sale, but I think it could be a good thing. It's in September, so I would need to up my stash and get a bunch of stuff made. I can make an apron or two a day, plus other little things like bags, oven mitts, iPod cases, etc really quick. Plus a couple little baby quilts that I can whip up in a few days? I think I'll do it! People overpay so much for things at craft fairs, I hope they like my stuff.

On the docket for today? Making a couple iPhone cases for Curt's new iPhone. Mine hasn't come in yet and that makes me very jealous. But I will make him his cases (he picked out fabric) while he downloads a million Apps and gets his setting all set. Lucky guy.

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