Monday, May 9

Happy Day!

Yesterday we celebrated Mother's Day & my sister's college graduation with a beautiful day in Michigan!

There were graduates.. 

And mothers...

And what do you know?! - Husbands back from traveling the world!

I made myself a Flirting the Issue skirt just for the occasion, made with AMH's Innocent Crush voile.

Getting her diploma

So proud of you Bri!

My gaga with the corsage I made her - doesn't it match her outfit perfectly?!

The graduates never actually threw their caps, so I made Brianna do it a few times so I could catch the moment :)

It turned out to be a sunny day and we all have the sunburnt noses to prove it. We are so proud of Bri, who worked hard to graduate with a teaching degree so she can help students with learning disabilities. 
She is going to be an amazing, patient, caring teacher, so if you know of any schools looking for a teacher like that, let me know! Any school would be lucky to have her, as we are lucky to have her in our family!

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